Sascha Koneva

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Sascha Koneva is a visual artist, photographer, jeweller and fashion designer.
The artist is convinced that the objects with which one can decorate oneself can be made of all imaginable materials: Paper, textile and rubber bands, plastic, glass or high-tech materials from the field of optics and electronics.
For Sascha Koneva it is first and foremost important to deal with the material, to experiment with its properties and then the artist gets an idea for the design.

Aleksandra Konewa was born in Kazakhstan in 1972,
Grown up in St. Petersburg (Russia) and studies art education.

1994 Guest semester at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in the graphics class of Prof. A. R. Penck.
She has lived in Berlin since 1996 and works as a freelance artist.
In 2016 Aleksandra Koneva founded her own label “Sascha Koneva Berlin”.

Galerie für Schmuck & Goldschmiede